A couple of weeks ago I finally got to glaze some of the mugs I made all the way back in October -
I get to pick these up in 2 weeks and I cannot waaaaiiittt to see how they turned out. I got pretty excited thinking about the possibilities of cartooning on a physical object and how that could affect how you consume a punchline?? Something I look forward to playing with more :))))
Exciting things this week:
Last year in Paris and Provence I was supper bummed to realize that my French — once decent — was basically gone, and I made it a goal this year to become conversational in French and Mandarin. Today I am (finally) starting adult French lessons!
French was the only subject I actually enjoyed in high school - I would watch DVDs with the French setting on so I could learn new phrases and also write secret things in my diary in French.
I’m going to Montreal for MCAF next month and am using that as a loose reason to finally get back on the French train - sort of like how in every episode of Queer Eye, the makeover week always has to end in some kind of party during which the madeover person makes their big debut.
TLDR: I’m starting French lessons and I’m excited to learn actual, real ways of speaking that aren’t pulled directly from dubbed historical dramas and the English/French dictionary.
xo Zoe
I love the inky sloppy style on these. So good!
I hadn't realized the Diderot effect applied to bread as well.