I went to Paris for 3.5 days and I walked a lot.
Due to the limitations of my physical body and the extreme length of lineups, I was only able to go to two Paris art galleries — the Louvre and the Musee d’Orsay — down from my initial plan of two galleries per day (hilariously ambitious in retrospect). EVEN SO, I am so grateful for this time, and what I saw was so inspiring. I want to do a trip where the only thing I do for an entire week is just loiter in galleries and remind myself that art has been a worthy endeavour since the beginning of time.
Here are a few of my gallery drawings!

I am just so happy about these exquisite spaces continuing to exist as little palaces for art.

Here’s the only proper photo I managed to get of myself:

I did a decent amount of people watching while eating meals.

And I managed to only do this one time.
This was my most memorable food:

On my last evening, I went to Montmartre and pretended i was in Amelie.

Can’t wait to be back to loiter in more galleries and speak better French.
My first Sketchbook feature is in the PRINT edition of this week’s New Yorker (April 10, 2023)!!! It takes up an entire two page spread!!! You can read an online version here.

The comic about a wedding custom that my Singaporean family follows called a “guo da li”(过大礼) - the groom delivers a bunch of highly specific gifts to the bride’s family, including an entire roast pig, historically as “payment” for the bride and also proof that he will be able to provide for her.

The first image was my original pitch - we stretched it out to two pages to make it less crowded. The final illustrations and speech bubbles were inked with my trusty Sailor Fude de Mannen pen and painted with watercolours - details and text boxes were added in Procreate. I also made *huge* last-minute digital edits to the middle of the second page after bolting awake in the middle of the night realizing I had formatted it all wrong.
I am still in disbelief but seeing my name on the front of the thing is objective proof that this is real and I am real, ha ha.
xo Zoe
I loved this one! Your museum drawings are way too good.
Love these drawings!