After the opening of the art show, I finally had a moment to reflect on the year it’s been and phew what a year it’s been.
I love making lists to manifest goals in the first week of January, and reading back on things I wrote over the course of the year to see what I actually learned. I write to centre myself and also because i’m obsessed with self improvement (ie: I iterate and overthink every single thing I say and write, before AND after I say/write it. This parallels conveniently with the process of developing the perfect New Yorker cartoon caption. But anyway.)
Last December was weird (personal/geopolitical upheaval and creative confusion) and wrote this post in an effort to contain in a box all the things i’d managed to achieve that year.
This entire year has been weird, but December brings STRANGE SILVER LININGS coming through all at once. With much effort, I sat down in a coffee shop wrote a list of all the notable events and accomplishments that happened this year, by the month; where I failed, where I succeeded, what I learned.