I did another whirlwind trip to New York to work on comics, see friends, and be sweatier than I ever thought possible. I packed carry-on only again, squeezing some *cute summer outfits* into the space where once there were winter coats and sweaters, and it was so hot that I ended up wearing only the above outfit the entire time, rotating between three increasingly gross and sweat-soaked button-ups for sun protection and airflow. But no matter!
Hopped off the red-eye at 730am, dropped off my luggage and beelined straight to the Met.
The Met was incredible and enormous. Here was one of my favourite moments:

I did pilgrimages to other art galleries as well — my first time at the Guggenheim:
and the Whitney:
Drew some of the sights:

And some of the wonderful people <3

I decided to focus most of my comic efforts on the Met and ended up going there a second time on my last day.
Hope to have something to (publicly) show for my efforts soon!
I stumbled into my house on Wednesday at 11pm, ate a bunch of Korean takeout, showered and crawled into bed half-dead. But THEN:
And thus the daily cartoon was born:

A fitting end to the week, I think. Comics! They’re everywhere to me.
I picked up a free copy of Pachinko on a Brooklyn sidewalk. I know I’m late to the game, but the rumours are true, it is a perfect book.
I submitted the first version of my graphic novel pitch to my agent, and am having a call with her this week to discuss polishing it up for submission. Eek! Will be posting more updates about that process, only on the paid Substack!
Later this week, I am opening up some limited pet portrait commission slots (for the first time in like.. years??) and setting up a sale in my print shop. Paid subscribers will hear about it first!
So what are ya waiting for??
Thanks for reading!
xo Zoe
That daily cartoon is so relatable it hurts.
I always adore your travelogues! And "a walking eyebag" made me laugh so hard 😂 summer weather in Toronto is similar to NYC I think and "a walking eyebag" so perfectly captures being exhausted and sweaty in the city heat and humidity. Also I remember finishing Pachinko and just sitting on the couch in stunned silence for literal minutes 😅