New year journalling!!!
This time of year brings together a few of my favourite things:
new stationery!!!
A few years ago I started bullet journalling, which for me includes buying a crisp new Leuchtturm book in a fun new colour at the end of December, laying it out with a good pen, looking at the past year and how the goals I’d set had panned out, and manifesting my ~*~perfect life~*~ for next year. Writing things down makes them feel real and achievable, and starting a beautiful new notebook with a list of your most unhinged, unfiltered dreams is absolute peak indulgence. It’s so helpful in getting yourself to a good mental state to start the new year. HIGHLY recommend.
My main goals for 2023 are to finally submit my graphic novel proposal, get back into running, and learn Chinese. Feeling JAZZED to get started on all of this.

I got to do the first New Yorker daily cartoon of the year:
Brought to you by my cart of serums and facial massage tools that I definitely will not ignore this year. I have little confidence that smacking liquids into my face twice a day will yield visible results, and I don’t actually worry about wrinkles, but the promise of control over my future is just so seductive and the self-care aspect is quite nice. Thanks, anti-ageing industrial complex!
Happy new year all -
xo Zoe