Got my hair made over this week. As far as coping mechanisms go, this is a good one. Can’t wait to stick out in every crowd and colour-clash with almost everything I own all summer long.

Took my trusty mobile setup to the The National concert last week. Such a beautiful day for an outdoor concert (my enthusiasm wained once they actually started playing and everyone stood up and I was left staring at people’s butts until I gave up and stood up too).
But it was still incredible. Here’s me crying during Bloodbuzz Ohio next to John Wick (John Wick 4, most fun movie of the year)
I got some fun new paints (Holbein gouache - only 5ml tubes because i am trying it out) because I think it is time I stopped being afraid of gouache. I often joke that I only started drawing because it only required a pen and paper - I am immediately put off by anything that’s too fiddly or equipment-intensive. My biggest gripe with gouache is how it’s not as portable or long lasting as my watercolour pans. I got this little contraption (pictured) that keeps the paints fresh for a few weeks, but even so, it’s takes so much more work and space to mix the paints, and it’s much less forgiving than the watercolour pans that you can just wash under the sink to clean.
BUT, inconvenience is not a reason to avoid learning something at this age. I’m pretty busy churning out my graphic novel pitch this month but I’m fiddling around with these on my downtime and trying not to be too precious about using up the paint.
Happy Friday everyone!
yooooooooooo the hair looks SO GOOD. i have dye in my hair right now. it absolutely helps with...everything...somehow. i love the lil orange hair manifestation paint doodle too!
gouache and i have a history. when i went to art school, basically everyone had their own unique first year intro courses...except for some reason, all the graphic design kids had to take the same foundation year as the fine art kids. (something i am apparently still bitter about some nearly 20 years later lmao) and it was really hard because frankly i'm not a good artist in the way a fine art person is an artist. but i'm also still a perfectionist. and our little art bins were filled with gouache. i had never heard of it. what was it? some kind of name brand? some kind of...paint! it looks like...acrylic paint? so just paint! do the assignment! the teacher said we had to use gouache! arrrrhhhgggggggh why is it so LUMPY and uncooperative and BAD? everything looks bad! and it's unfixable! painting more is making it worse! one ever told me you were supposed to use it with water. (and this was before smartphones and also we did not even have internet in our dorms so it wasn't like i could just look up how to use it.) i never touched the stuff again XD
Your hair looks great and I love your drawings! ❤️